Hva er vanlig og hvor vanlig er det?
68’371 respondenter fra 202 ulike land og stater svarte på mange ulike spørsmål fra OKCupid.
Demografi i datasettet
Aldersgruppe | N | Column % |
10-19 | 1437 | 2,17 % |
20-29 | 28347 | 42,71 % |
30-39 | 26484 | 39,91 % |
40-49 | 8295 | 12,50 % |
50-50 | 1591 | 2,40 % |
60-69 | 175 | 0,26 % |
70-79 | 18 | 0,03 % |
80-89 | 3 | 0,00 % |
90-99 | 13 | 0,02 % |
100+ | 2 | 0,00 % |
Kjønn | N | Column % |
Man | 40215 | 60,78 % |
Woman | 25952 | 39,22 % |
Seksualitet | N | Column % |
Bisexual | 4743 | 7,20 % |
Gay | 3392 | 5,15 % |
Hetero | 57747 | 87,65 % |
Rase | N | Column % |
Asian | 3187 | 5,75 % |
Black | 2702 | 4,88 % |
Hispanic / Latin | 2802 | 5,06 % |
Indian | 723 | 1,30 % |
Middle Eastern | 392 | 0,71 % |
Mixed | 4958 | 8,95 % |
Native American | 139 | 0,25 % |
Other | 1793 | 3,24 % |
Pacific Islander | 129 | 0,23 % |
White | 38599 | 69,64 % |
Yrkesgruppe | N | Column % |
Other | 9112 | 18,02 % |
Technology | 4967 | 9,82 % |
Student | 4443 | 8,79 % |
Art / Music / Writing | 3816 | 7,55 % |
Sales / Marketing | 3362 | 6,65 % |
Education | 3355 | 6,64 % |
Science / Engineering | 3032 | 6,00 % |
Medicine | 2683 | 5,31 % |
Management | 2445 | 4,84 % |
Entertainment / Media | 2350 | 4,65 % |
Banking / Finance | 2056 | 4,07 % |
Hospitality | 1596 | 3,16 % |
Administration | 1406 | 2,78 % |
Construction | 1401 | 2,77 % |
Law | 1052 | 2,08 % |
Politics / Government | 984 | 1,95 % |
Transportation | 845 | 1,67 % |
Rather not say | 659 | 1,30 % |
Military | 375 | 0,74 % |
Unemployed | 369 | 0,73 % |
Income | N | Column % |
a: Less than $20,000 | 2819 | 11,51 % |
b: $20,000-$30,000 | 2480 | 10,12 % |
c: $30,000-$40,000 | 2241 | 9,15 % |
d: $40,000-$50,000 | 1805 | 7,37 % |
e: $50,000-$60,000 | 1359 | 5,55 % |
f: $60,000-$70,000 | 832 | 3,40 % |
g: $70,000-$80,000 | 671 | 2,74 % |
h: $80,000-$100,000 | 891 | 3,64 % |
i: $100,000-$150,000 | 920 | 3,75 % |
j: $150,000-$250,000 | 340 | 1,39 % |
k: $250,000-$500,000 | 121 | 0,49 % |
l: $500,000-$1,000,000 | 36 | 0,15 % |
m: More than $1,000,000 | 422 | 1,72 % |
Rather not say | 9564 | 39,04 % |
Sosialisering og ekstroversjon blant vanlige folk
In high school, were you one of the ‘cool’ kids? | N | Column % |
No | 8476 | 75,26 % |
Yes | 2787 | 24,74 % |
Were you picked on a lot in school? | N | Column % |
No | 21000 | 61,53 % |
Yes | 13128 | 38,47 % |
Are you a better conversationalist or listener? | N | Column % |
Conversationalist | 1137 | 35,82 % |
Listener | 2037 | 64,18 % |
How shy would you say you are? | N | Column % |
1. Not at all shy | 4252 | 14,67 % |
2. Not really shy | 9934 | 34,26 % |
3. Kind of shy | 12890 | 44,46 % |
4. Very shy | 1916 | 6,61 % |
Would you rather hang out with someone you don’t particularly like, or be alone? | N | Column % |
Any company is better than none. | 68 | 3,92 % |
I’d rather be alone. | 1668 | 96,08 % |
Do you enjoy gossip? | N | Column % |
No | 10984 | 71,32 % |
Yes | 4418 | 28,68 % |
Do you often have a hard time thinking of things to talk about? | N | Column % |
No | 16376 | 78,74 % |
Yes | 4422 | 21,26 % |
What size party would you prefer to attend? | N | Column % |
1. Just a few close friends. | 7856 | 36,02 % |
2. 5-20 people. | 10454 | 47,93 % |
3. 20-100 people. | 2811 | 12,89 % |
4. More than 100 people. | 692 | 3,17 % |
How much would you enjoy hosting a big, crazy party? | N | Column % |
1. Not at all | 5604 | 24,32 % |
2. Not that much | 9853 | 42,75 % |
3. A lot | 7590 | 32,93 % |
Do you regularly go out partying on weeknights? | N | Column % |
No | 19554 | 88,57 % |
Yes | 2524 | 11,43 % |
I talk _____. | N | Column % |
1.When spoken to. | 456 | 7,04 % |
2. Only when there’s something important to say. | 3091 | 47,75 % |
3. A lot | 2670 | 41,25 % |
4. Too much. I can’t shut up. | 256 | 3,95 % |
Can you name your two closest neighbours? | N | Column % |
No. | 4528 | 45,52 % |
Yes. | 5420 | 54,48 % |
Do you like to be the center of attention? | N | Column % |
1. Not really, no | 9865 | 48,32 % |
2. Yes, sometimes | 10017 | 49,07 % |
3. Yes, always | 533 | 2,61 % |
Would you walk up to a stranger and tell them you think they’re beautiful? | N | Column % |
No / probably not | 8623 | 50,27 % |
Yes / probably | 8529 | 49,73 % |
Would you rather live in the big city or a small town? | N | Column % |
Big city | 17479 | 62,24 % |
Small town | 10605 | 37,76 % |
Do you get along well with shy and socially awkward people? | N | Column % |
No | 1057 | 8,94 % |
Yes | 10765 | 91,06 % |
How do you feel about kids? | N | Column % |
1. God, how revolting. *shudder* | 964 | 2,43 % |
2. I’m indifferent. | 4280 | 10,79 % |
3. They’re okay, but keep the unruly ones at bay. | 14519 | 36,59 % |
4. Kids are precious – they love me and I love them! | 19913 | 50,19 % |
When you were a child, did you have an ‘imaginary friend’? | N | Column % |
I’m not sure. | 1358 | 13,66 % |
No. | 6172 | 62,08 % |
Yes. | 2412 | 24,26 % |
Are you more of a fast or careful talker? | N | Column % |
Careful | 7587 | 62,27 % |
Fast | 4597 | 37,73 % |
If you were to say to someone, ‘Hi, how’s it going?’ (or some variation of this question), would you actually care about the person’s answer? | N | Column % |
1.I don’t greet people like that. | 238 | 6,45 % |
2.No. | 100 | 2,71 % |
3.It depends on the circumstances. | 1464 | 39,66 % |
4.Yes. | 1889 | 51,18 % |
How would you say your self esteem is? | N | Column % |
1.Low | 1476 | 7,67 % |
2.Neither high nor low | 8507 | 44,23 % |
3.High | 9252 | 48,10 % |
Would you like to ‘live hard, die fast, and leave a beautiful corpse’? | N | Column % |
No | 2195 | 73,14 % |
Yes | 806 | 26,86 % |
Do you ever feel socially awkward? | N | Column % |
No. | 5069 | 24,89 % |
Yes. | 15294 | 75,11 % |
Would you pretend to share an interest with someone you really liked as a way to gain favour with them? | N | Column % |
No | 1893 | 80,18 % |
Yes | 468 | 19,82 % |
How energetic are you? | N | Column % |
1.Sedentary | 131 | 3,23 % |
2.Occasionally active | 1138 | 28,08 % |
3.Fairly active | 2491 | 61,48 % |
4.Hyper | 292 | 7,21 % |
When you are alone, how often do your own actions make you laugh? | N | Column % |
1.Never. | 263 | 1,32 % |
2.Rarely. | 2486 | 12,50 % |
3.Occasionally. | 11263 | 56,65 % |
4.Frequently. | 5871 | 29,53 % |
Are you the kind of person that is known to use the sentence ‘I don’t care what other people think.’ | N | Column % |
No | 1079 | 36,12 % |
Yes | 1908 | 63,88 % |
Trying anything at least once is.. | N | Column % |
A good idea. | 17741 | 88,55 % |
Not for me. | 2293 | 11,45 % |
Does netspeak (e.g., afk, brb, How RU?, lol, rotfl, ttyl, etc.) bother you? | N | Column % |
1.I don’t know. | 299 | 1,16 % |
2.No. | 7352 | 28,46 % |
3.Some of the time – It depends. | 13915 | 53,87 % |
4.Yes. | 4264 | 16,51 % |
Which are you better at remembering, names or faces? | N | Column % |
Faces. | 9210 | 89,53 % |
Names. | 1077 | 10,47 % |
Do you ever rehearse or plan conversations before actually having them? | N | Column % |
No. | 3571 | 31,40 % |
Yes. | 7801 | 68,60 % |
What makes a better friend? | N | Column % |
Compassionate nature and a shoulder to support you | 15788 | 68,36 % |
Quick wit and a mischievous smile | 7306 | 31,64 % |
Your friends are: | N | Column % |
a: mostly girls | 1221 | 14,12 % |
b: both guys and girls | 5577 | 64,50 % |
c: mostly guys | 1849 | 21,38 % |
What is the worst personality trait someone can have? | N | Column % |
Arrogance | 9960 | 39,23 % |
No sense of humor | 9306 | 36,65 % |
Immaturity | 3357 | 13,22 % |
Being boring | 2767 | 10,90 % |
Are you comfortable with who you are? | N | Column % |
No | 845 | 6,28 % |
Yes | 12610 | 93,72 % |
Do you ever make up stories to tell people, just for laughs? | N | Column % |
1.Never | 1179 | 42,49 % |
2.Rarely | 758 | 27,32 % |
3.Sometimes | 683 | 24,61 % |
4.All the time | 155 | 5,59 % |